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What if John didn't go?

I was talking to one of my business associates Christion yesterday and he was confirming a story that I had heard about a handy man named John Bowers.

John had a neighbor that was going through some difficult times needed to get rid of his house. John thought to himself "I can hardly even help myself, how can I help you?"

Why did John think that? Well let's take a closer look. John is a family man, he has five kids. One of his children is disabled. He was an overworked, underpaid handy man. He had a tremendous amount of credit card debt. He was on the verge of bankrupcy and at the end of his rope. On June 15th of this year he decided that he was going to stop the pain and declare bankrupcy.

John didn't declare bankrupcy though, instead he decided that he was going to make a change in his life.
John helped his neighbor and bought his house. John bought more houses and in the process he put $92 000 in his bank account. This all happened since June 15th of this year? How did John do it? How did someone who is the verge of bankrupcy even buy 1 home let alone more?

It's simple, he followed a system that worked. He went to a free investing intensive and without spending a dime on any real estate investing education he applied the knowledge that he learned there and was able to pay off all his debts and still have $20 000 left over.

How would that feel for you?

Isn't it time that you attend the next intensive?

"But Kenny, I already have plans that day. But Kenny I don't want to drive to Layton. But Kenny...."
What if John said that? What if John didn't go to the intensive? What will you say on the weekend of the 18th and 19th.
"I'm glad that I'm taking action or I can't wait until I do?"

Here are details on the next event.

Due to popularity, I've been able to get 15 more seats to this event. If you are interested in coming let me know which days and which speakers you would like to see.
Kenny 801.755.9297

Click here for more details

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.