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Real Estate Investing Training- updated speaker info

Many people have shown interest in the Real Estate Investing Training that's happening in Layton coming up in just a few weeks. As a result I have now only have 11 seats left. ( Started with 25). There is going to be a speaker change. Del Hargis will be speaking on the second day not Craig Cotrell. For those of you that are interested in coming let me know and I can have a seat arranged for you. Let me know which day(s) you would like to attend and which speaker(s) you would like to see.

Here are the updated details.

Real Estate Investing Training
Date: Friday July 18th - Saturday July 19th
Time: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Contact: Kenny Santos 801.755.9297
Notes: Two Days of Excellent real estate investing training!
Where: Davis Conference Center 800 West Heritage Park Blvd. Layton Ut

Instructor- Raul Campos: Specializes in discounted and wholesale properties. Cherry picks his deals and makes anywhere from $35k to $50k per transaction and does 40 - 50 deals a year.

Instructor - Brian Sump: Short Sales- Making money by helping people who are over leveraged and in foreclosure. This is the same investor that helped my friend Dave Carson earn his first $27000+ certified check! If you want to know the story, click here.

Instructor- Del Hargis: Client Development Director for American Pension Services, Del Hargis is committed to assisting people in discovering the many financial benefits of self-directing their retirement plans. "Retirement plans are notabout the future, they are about right now!"

Kenny Santos

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