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A story about my mentor Chad Wade.

Cindy is a highschool teacher. The school that she teaches has students that some would describe as troubled youth. Where there are a lot of single parent families. Where some of the students have 1 or 2 children of there own. Where many of the students work part-time jobs after school and on weekends because their single mom can't afford to pay rent or groceries. Some of these students are disruptive in class and have poor grades. Most will not go to college.

My Mentor Chad Wade wrote a book about direct sales and business. It's called "Cracking the Producer's Code"

Cindy found the book and and was so inspired by it that she decided to use Chad's book instead of the one that was designated.

The students started to read the book and for the first time ever Cindy's students were quiet and working. They too were inspired by the book. Cindy got a hold of Chad and asked him if there was any possible way for him to come and visit the class. He said yes and here is the video.
He's the one with pink tie on the first day and a red tie on the second day.

If you want a copy of "Cracking the Producer's Code", it's available in the carousel above.

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