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CA$HFLOW is like church

I actually stopped putting on CA$HFLOW games for a while because no one was taking action. I thought of it like church. While people are at church they show that they are very spiritual people in the way they act and the things they say. When they leave church and go to work the next morning some people act very differently. They might swear or curse or steal... you know the people that I'm talking about. Well CA$HFLOW seemed to be the same way. There were some people who came to every event week after week and month after month and while they were there they talked the talk but they still didn't play the game in real life. That's the name of my cashflow club! "Bring the Game to Life." Well after a summer off, I started to play CA$HFLOW again with the public. Why? Because people asked. Colleagues, regular players, business associates... they asked. And I missed it. Are the "pretenders" still there and do they show up? Well yes but I'm ok with that.
I've actually been playing CA$HFLOW regularly again since the fall of 07 and since it looks like it's going to continue, I've decided to keep track of it again on my blog.

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